Certification FAQs

  • As soon as you decide you want to pursue IFS Certification, please review the following IFS-I details that pertain to you and the role of your Approved Clinical Consultants (ACCs) in your Certification Application.

    • IFS Institute Certification Policy

    • IFS Certification FAQ

    • Please review pages 7 on of the ACC Toolkit to familiarize yourself with what Laura needs to review in order to recommend you for Certification.

    • e.g. Laura needs to see demonstration of 8 Core Competencies in your approved video or in another context for her to recommend you for Certification.

    • Verification of your 200 Clinical Hours needs to come from a colleague other than Laura who has witnessed your work throughout this period. There are exceptions when Laura may be able to sign off on IFS clinical hours that were fulfilled and documented during the period you were her consultee, but you will have needed to discuss that with Laura during the period she worked with you.

    Consultation Hours for IFS Certification

    • Group Hours towards Certification only count in groups of 6 members or fewer that are attended LIVE, not viewed later via recording.

    • Keep careful track of all consultation hours with any ACCs including Dates, Type (Group or Individual), number of students in the group, and number of hours you attended live.

    • If you don’t have record of the dates/hours you met with Laura, she can try and track that down in her records but will have to charge you for the time required.

    Who can Review my Video for Certification?

    Your Certification Video is reviewed by a Lead Trainer, not by Laura. Trainers who can review videos for certification may be found here.

    Laura recommends you designate your video reviewer asap, since this process can take several weeks/months for your video to be approved.

    1. Designate an Approved Reviewer to review your certification video and submit your video to them for their review. They will use this Video Rubric to review your video.

    2. Two months prior to submitting your completed application to IFS-I, complete and submit Laura’s Certification Documentation Request form (found at the bottom of this page)

    3. As soon as you’ve designated your Video Reviewer and have an estimated date that your video will be approved, email Laura to schedule a one-hour certification review appointment to discuss your approved video so that she can vouch for your 8 Core Competencies.

    4. If you and Laura have previously discussed and she has agreed to verify a portion of your 200 IFS clinical hours, please provide her the necessary documentation so that she can verify those hours.

    5. Once your video is approved, send Laura a link for her to review it (stored in a confidential, secure location). Include any written summaries, comments, etc. from you or your video reviewer. Be sure Laura confirms she received the video link!

    6. Laura’s fee for the 1H video prep/paperwork submission plus the final 1H certification review session is honored as the same rate as your video reviewer ($200/hr). Your fee will be $300-$400 for this final piece depending on how much time Laura needs to review your work and confirm your hours. Laura will keep careful track of her time and be as efficient as possible.

    7. If the 8 Core Competencies are not demonstrated in your approved video, you’ll need to discuss other options with Laura and pay for additional time with her.

    8. Congratulations! You’re almost there!

  • Purchasing a product (i.e. IFS Consultation Group) from Laura does not meet the IRS qualifications to receive a 1099 or to send you a W9. Laura is not providing services to your business, so is not a vendor. She is offering training and experience to you, the customer. Providing your Registration invoice to your tax preparer may be written off as a business expense in most cases. If you need a copy of your invoice (you received one when you registered) or have additional questions, please reach out to support@pausewithlaura.com.

Ready to submit a request for certification documentation?

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the IFS Institute’s requirements and the FAQ section above before submitting your request for certification documentation!